As of 2023, KSL Classifieds users will be charged a listing fee when creating a listing for a cat or dog. This change is being implemented to encourage both a positive user experience and responsible pet ownership practices. 

Why Does KSL Classifieds Charge a Fee for Cat and Dog Listings? 

Protecting pets

We’re treating dog and cat listings differently than other listings because they are different. By attaching a fee to these listings, we’re encouraging the user who creates the listing to have a more vested interest in the well-being of the animal and where it ultimately ends up. Improving user experience

We want to help people find their next pet faster and easier. Our cat and dog listing fee will reduce instances of repetitive or irrelevant listings to help KSL Classifieds users find pets effectively, and in turn help pets find a home. 

Giving money back to animal welfare

We’re using a portion of these fees to support local animal welfare agencies and help the animals and pets in our communities. 


Animal welfare agencies and shelters are exempt from this listing fee to help encourage adoption whenever possible.


Currently, payments are made using a credit card when creating a listing. As with other listings, your listing will have a set expiration date. You will need to create a new listing if you wish to keep your cat or dog visible on KSL Classifieds after the listing’s expiration date, in which case you will pay a new listing fee. 

KSL Classifieds is one of the few online marketplaces that allow dog and cat listings, and as such, we feel a responsibility to ensure the pets found on our site are coming from and going to safe homes. This listing fee is a small part of our goal, and part of a larger commitment to making KSL Classifieds a safe and easy way for cats and dogs to find new homes.